Grumps (2021)
Some things are better left the way they are – at least that’s what ninety-year-old Kenneth Franklin Williams Jr. believes. Kenneth has lived in the same house on the same street by the same empty lot since before he, or anyone else in Wells End, could remember, and in that time, things hadn’t changed much. Kenneth grew old. Everyone he knew died off. But that was that.
Until one day.
Jakob Alderson is a young professional whose career is taking off. Lead project manager of the Wells End community center, Alderson is ready to get started on the new construction project, fixing up an old empty lot that no one ever batted an eye at. The million-dollar project could be the beginning of an all-new era for the town, and who could possibly be opposed to that?
When construction starts in the empty lot next to Kenneth’s home, the old man and Jakob Alderson immediately butt heads with their vastly different viewpoints of how Wells End should be, and once a greedy lawyer with a taste for revenge catches wind of the conflict, she is more than happy to help Kenneth put a stop to Alderson’s community center.
An old feud, a double-agent, and sensationalized newspaper headlines come together in this comedy novella about a rapidly-escalating cat-and-mouse game of lawsuits, dentures, and attempted murder.
Message from the Publisher:
Grumps was written and published during a time when a close family member of the author was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, so with keeping her in mind, Basil is donating 100% of his author royalties for this book to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund. More information about the Cure Alzheimer's Fund can be found on their website,, and you can also donate directly at 100% of their funds go directly to Alzheimer's research and every little bit helps. :)
The 2nd Book of Random Thoughts (2020)

Looking for the next classic work of literature?
Yeah... this obviously isn’t it.
The second “book” in The Book of Random Thoughts Series, this book is not for your high-level English class essays.
Honestly, having one of these things out is bad enough.
Two? Are you kidding me?
Well, sales speak for themselves I guess...
So welcome to The 2nd Book of Random Thoughts. If you’re still reading, you might as well say the heck with it and buy the book. The title really speaks for itself.
Also 50% of author royalties are being donated to the World Wildlife Fund.
Buy now!

Yeah... this obviously isn’t it.
The second “book” in The Book of Random Thoughts Series, this book is not for your high-level English class essays.
Honestly, having one of these things out is bad enough.
Two? Are you kidding me?
Well, sales speak for themselves I guess...
So welcome to The 2nd Book of Random Thoughts. If you’re still reading, you might as well say the heck with it and buy the book. The title really speaks for itself.
Also 50% of author royalties are being donated to the World Wildlife Fund.
The Book of Random Thoughts (2018)
If you are looking for something fun, often witty, and insanely random that is stupidly hilarious, then get out your wallets (or purses or bags or mysterious tattered envelopes), because this is right up your alley!